Thursday, February 18, 2010

One Unlucky Ram

Adonis was one of the first rams we purchased. A specimen, his wool was a spinner's dream. Adonis was not only beautiful he was gentle. He wasn't the head-strong bully like some of his bunk-mates, and so he didn't exactly evoke fear out of us. Adonis was more like a tall, lanky, intellectual Greek - one with a gorgeous head of curls. Our other rams were more like Roman gladiators: massive, brawny brutes - small brains included.

Adonis, however, was a ram lamb just old enough that he was beginning to experience certain biological urges. This particular day, my husband and I happened to be in the barn just as Adonis was in the process of figuring out the sex-thing. He had his eyes on Blackie, one of the breeding ewes. This, I'm convinced, was his first mistake. She was our most head-strong ewe; not submissive or cooperative. Adonis marched-up behind her, but when he attempted to mount, Blackie spun around kicking, making it impossible for poor ole Adonis to make his mark. Not discouraged, Adonis took a second approach. He walked up beside Blackie and very gently rubbed his cheek against hers. "I do believe he's trying foreplay," I muttered to myself. After two or three quick cheek strokes - typical male - Adonis again went for her backside. Blackie, however, was not about to suffer poor, inept Adonis. This time she spun around and whacked Adonis with a horn to the face, leaving him with skin missing and blood flowing. "Welcome to the world of sex," my husband tells him. "Sometimes you get it and sometimes you don't." Even with romance, he came-up empty. It was a tough lesson. Adonis, like every other young ram, learned that being a stud isn't always easy.

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